September 14, 2017

Building a sustainable future for digital advertising

The IAB will be spearheading change to help remedy a turbulent 12 months for digital...

Navigate attended the IAB’s Search Council. It was a forward-looking session, as the IAB, under renewed stewardship, outlined their vision for the coming 12 months with some interesting outtakes. They will be seeking to form more clear directives for agencies, brands & consumers, whilst carving a more authoritative stance for themselves as a key industry body, a shift away from industry commentator to activist & doer, delivering change.In short, the last twenty years in the industry has been focused on one thing – growth. But the internet has grown up. Digital advertising has become the majority of the UK advertising market. With great power comes great responsibility – and over the past year we’ve seen a growing number of issues as digital has hits the headlines for all the wrong reasons. The future of media is still digital, but buy-side perception has undoubtedly been impacted.The IAB, arm in arm with steering & advisory groups made up of agency, brand and consumer representatives, believe we can’t excuse ourselves as a nascent medium, and simply we have to front up to sort out the issues. “Enough is enough.”

Their new mission statement outlines three key objectives underpinning efforts:

  1. Being the trusted source that simplifies digital advertising, inspiring brands of the unique abilities of digital to reach and wow.
  2. Building sustainable growth for the digital advertising market by bringing members together to achieve things they can’t on their own.
  3. Ensuring the ad experience works for everyone and respects people's privacy.

Watch this space as the IAB transforms from an industry commentator to more of a leading voice, addressing real industry issues head-on whilst building confidence in digital & nurturing best practice. It’s all about building a sustainable future for digital advertising; highlighting what works and celebrating digital, all the while helping businesses prepare for future trends.Here here!David WalbyBiddable Account DirectorThis post was written in September 2017; posting was postponed until after the IAB's official unveiling of some of these plans at IAB Engage.

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